Friday, July 2, 2010

The high cost of being WARM in Alaska

The furnace went on the fritz shortly after I moved into Heneghan, and the first oil bill was $1500 for the months of September and October. I decided to make a pretty bold move and heat the upstairs with the wood stove that was already in place, wood was cheap and/or free depending on your level of motivation and I couldn't see putting any more money into that ancient furnace. With that plan in place I needed to figure out how I was going to heat the apartment during the remodel process. I decided to install a Toyo Stove, I picked the Laser 56 model which stated it heats up to 1100 square feet of area. For those of you not familiar with Toyo Stoves, they are kerosene vented heaters. They are quite popular in Alaska and their specs state that they are 87% efficient. Well luckily Mark, my S.O. is a pretty talented guy and was able to install this puppy for me, free of charge. It works like a champ and the heating bill averages out to be $60 per month. The stove and plumbing supplies, and new oil tank ran about $1700. I don't work for Toyo, but they definitely get a pretty good plug from me, I have since purchased the Laser 73 to heat the upstairs unit and am just as pleased with it. The oil bills for the upstairs average out to $75 per month. Not a high cost to stay warm in Alaska!

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